One of my absolute FAVOURITE things about my job is watching the beautiful babies I photograph as newborns grow up! Watching bellies grow, babies develop, and families come together in beautiful moments is one of my greatest passions. I feel pretty darn privileged to get to be there for these important moments in my clients lives. So when I went to blog the latest set of photos for these GORGEOUS, scrummy twin girls, I thought I should start from the beginning (the very best place to start right?)
Brooke, and Taylor came into the world pretty close to Christmas last year, I remember delivering the finished order for their newborn shots on Christmas day no less! As you can see they are beyond gorgeous, and considering the ‘parent-to-child-ratio’ of this wee family doubled overnight Mum, Dad, and the 2 very proud big brothers looked pretty incredible too!
Love these shots! Getting a 2 year old to ‘pose’ with his twin baby sisters was ahem challenging, but I am so glad we stuck with it! These two shots are some of my favourite shots to date still :)
Add 9 months and….
TA DA! heres one I prepared earlier ;)
Just 9 months later the girls are SO full of personality, and so different! Although funnily enough now that I know them a bit better, there were still twinkles of their individual personalities right back in their newborn shoot.
This would honestly have to be one of the most enjoyable shoots to date.
I promise I didn’t do anything special to get these expressions, I just clucked at them (which is unavoidable) and I got smiles, giggles, and these incredible transfixed stares in return.
And the character! I cant believe some of the expressions we got. Its very easy as a photographer to think that the only expressions that parents want to see is the smiles.
But I LOVE some of these incredibly quirky expressions, and they ended up being some of Nick, and Michelle’s favourites (and mine!)
Where did these babies come from?! These expressions are straight out supermodel I swear. They have this photography thing in the bag!
I seriously cannot wait for the next session with these incredible little ladies, and to see what changes the next few months bring :)